1. Participation in book exhibitions and book fair
2. Child development and Pre-primary education activities
3. Cultural training activities
4. Celebrating Children's Drama Festival
5. Children's education tour / inter-district child exchange exchange activities.
6. Celebrating the famous poet, literary, educationist, artist and cultural personality of the district.
7. Celebrating National Mourning Day.
8. Rabindra and Nazrul celebrate birth anniversary.
9. Keeping the World Children's Day and Children's Rights Week.
10. Sheikh Russell's birthday.
11. Celebrate Shaheed Intellectual Day.
12. Celebrate the Victory Day of the Great Day.
13. Celebrate International Mother Language Day.
14. Celebrate the Great Independence Day.
15. Celebrating Children's Ananda Mela on the occasion of Bengali New Year.
16. Celebrate the Cultural Festival.
17. Celebrate the birthday celebration of Holy Eid.
18. Besides, participation in various programs organized by the district administration.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS